How it works?
eSalekart helps you find deals, offers, coupons from almost all Ecommerce platforms. When you Login/Register for eSalekart you have access to all the deals. You can check out coupons section to explore the discount coupons on various products.
How to get Cashback/Rewards from eSalekart?
- Login/Register to eSalekart.
Login/Register to eSalekart account. You can also register using your google account, creating account in eSalekart is free for lifetime.
Note - If you want to earn cashback then Login/Register to eSalekart is mandatory. -
Click on the Cashback Deal of your Choice.
We provide different cashback deals for all stores. Select the store of your choice, you will see the list of deals available for that store. By clicking on deal you will be redirected to the store.
- Buy from the store
Once you are redirected to the store from eSalekart. Shop from the store and we will track your purchase automatically.
Receive Deal Cashback
You will receive cashback in your eSalekart account once you make a payment at the store. Initially the status of the cashback will be pending, which will be confirmed after the return period of your order gets completed.
Transfer your eSalekart cashback
You can transfer your eSalekart cashback to your bank account once you have 250₹ or more in your account.
Get your eSalekart reward
You can get your eSalekart reward as gift voucher once you have 250₹ or more in your account.
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